This compilation of sermons will give you insight, as to how you can obey God’s instructions, even when they don’t make sense.
These bible characters represent people who were sometimes afraid, who compared themselves to others and even people who were experts at their professions, but still lacked experiencing the full manifest blessings of God in their lives, until they obeyed His instructions.
Peter, a fisherman by trade, after fishing all night and catching nothing, will watch God’s miraculous power unveil when he and the other fishermen follow the instructions of a carpenter’s son, to launch out into the deep and fish by day.
After the crucifixion, Peter learned an important lesson from Jesus, about focusing on what He (Jesus) had instructed him to do. As a result we have the New Testament books of First and Second Peter which provide us with numerous accounts of how his life was a blessing to the 1st century Christians, as well as for those of us who claim the name of Jesus and study his examples and apply them to our lives.
Gideon shows us how obeying God’s instructions even when we’re afraid can bring blessings for ourselves as well as a nation.
Close inspection of these stories reveal many methods and techniques that will assist every believer’s desire to obey God’s instructions.